Sunday, November 23, 2008

I've what?

Some of you may know that over two years ago I began what has become a VERY long and ardous journey of completing my bachelors degree. Huh you say? I thought Josh finished school in 2004! Wait, isn't he a pharmacist (Yakima shout out right there). I did finish school in 2004 and recieved my associates in nursing science which made it eligible to get my nursing license and to become a full fledged...Registered Nurse. I have always wanted to get my bachelors degree, and to be quite honest, I have always been envious of my brother in law Dan who has like 7 bachelors joke. No really, there has always been something down deep inside that has told me that I need to do this, even though I'll MAKE NO EXTRA MONEY with a bachelors joke.
Anyways, I'm done. I did it. I spent the last two years of my life writing papers, constructing power point after power point, and online discussion forums. I'm done. The university didn't teach me how to be a nurse. I mean, they didn't teach me how to better empty a bedpan or instruct me on the proper way to assess for diabetic ketoacidosis, no, Indiana Wesleyan University taught me a little more about paying back my financial aid. I am currently excepting donations as I type this. I can't believe how much it cost. I am an idiot.
So here I am. I'm done...and I don't know what to do with myself. I used to spend my days off typing away on the computer or other things revolving around school. If people would ask me what I was doing for the weekend I'd always say, "Oh, I have a paper due", or, "Oh, sorry, can't make it, I have a power point due on nursing management". As you can see, the last two years have been interesting. Although when's the last time you talked to someone who went back to school, had a child, and bought a home...all at the same time? That's right sucka...Joshua Meals, RN, BSN.
So, what's next? At least six months off for sure and picking up extra shifts at the hospital. I have a lot of time off now that was once spent on school. Not anymore though. I'm thinking about going to grad school to become a nurse practitioner. This has always been my dream and I'm thinking if I was able to move to Alaska, get married, attain my nursing degree, buy a house, and have a beautiful little can I not start and finish my graduate degree? I guess only time and money will tell.


The Knight Family said...

Just bask in your own awesomeness for a few days...

Then start the next higher education applications!

Congradulations by they way. Juggling your education and your family is difficult. Great job.

Carrie McCoy said...

With all of this extra time, maybe you can blog more?

Hannah said...

Whoa, I had no idea you finished. Thanks for telling me, family! Congrats!

My Three Sons said...

why not go for the MGD? or work for the MTA, MEA or PTA? there's all kinds of things to do! WAy to GO Josh, you ROCK.

Aurelia said...

Nice! I was fortunate enough to finish schooling before my little one was born. My husband on the other hand finished up his masters online - It was much like you said - paper due, powerpoint due etc. We did get raises when we finished, but only to pay back the $ borrowed for the programs. So we might see the $ after the 10 year loan is up...when our kids are ready for college!!!!!!